2637 Knox Road 2300 E, La Fayette, IL 61449

Summer Camping Series: Part 3 – Practical Tips to Stay Cool When Camping in the Summer

Stay cool while camping in the summer with practical tips from our Summer Camping Series Part 3. Book your campsite at our Farm for a refreshing experience!

Welcome to Part 3 of our Summer Camping Series! As the sun continues to shine bright during the summer months, camping can become quite challenging in the heat. But worry not! In this article, we’ll share practical and refreshing tips to help you stay cool and comfortable during your camping adventure. Don’t forget to check out our main camping website for more information on booking a campsite at our Farm. And stay tuned for Part 4, where we’ll cover essential guidelines on how to watch out for heat emergencies and provide high-level recommendations on what to do. Let’s keep the summer camping fun going!

  1. Choose the Right Campsite

When planning your camping trip, opt for a campsite with plenty of shade. Camping under the canopy of trees not only offers relief from the scorching sun but also creates a tranquil and refreshing environment. Additionally, choose a campsite near natural water sources, like rivers or lakes, where you can take a dip to cool off during the hottest parts of the day.

  1. Create Shade with Tarps or Canopies

If your chosen campsite lacks natural shade, create your own with tarps or canopies. Set them up over your tent and cooking area to shield you from the direct sunlight. This simple addition can make a significant difference in keeping you cool and comfortable throughout the day.

  1. Stay Hydrated

One of the most crucial aspects of staying cool in the summer is to stay hydrated. Carry an ample supply of water and electrolyte-rich drinks. Invest in a high-quality insulated water bottle to keep your beverages cool for longer periods. Remember to drink regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty, as dehydration can sneak up on you during outdoor activities.

  1. Dress Smartly

Choose lightweight, loose-fitting, and light-colored clothing to stay cool when camping in the summer. Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton or moisture-wicking materials to help you stay comfortable and dry.

  1. Take Advantage of Cooler Hours

Make the most of the cooler hours in the early morning and late evening to engage in outdoor activities. Use these times for hiking, exploring, or enjoying a campfire without feeling overwhelmed by the heat.

  1. Create Your Personal Cooling Station

Pack a portable, battery-operated fan to create a personal cooling station inside your tent. Alternatively, use a damp cloth or a spray bottle filled with water to mist yourself and cool down when the temperatures rise.

  1. Plan Outdoor Activities Wisely

During peak hours of heat, avoid strenuous outdoor activities and opt for more relaxed ones instead. Plan hikes and adventures for the cooler parts of the day to prevent overheating and exhaustion.


With these practical tips, you can keep your cool and enjoy your summer camping experience to the fullest. Remember to visit our main camping website for more information on booking a campsite at our Farm. And don’t miss Part 4 of our Summer Camping Series, where we’ll cover crucial guidelines for recognizing and handling heat emergencies. Happy camping!

[Self-promotion links:]

  • Book your camping site at [Your Farm Camping Website] and experience the beauty of nature firsthand.
  • Explore more camping tips and ideas on our main camping website [Your Main Camping Website].

[Reference to Part 4:] Stay tuned for Part 4 of our Summer Camping Series, where we’ll cover essential guidelines on how to watch out for heat emergencies and provide high-level recommendations on what to do.

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